Ozempic vs Cocaine
Ozempic vs Cocaine
There is zero doubt Ozempic helps people lose weight. That does not mean the risk vs reward is acceptable, as the Pharma companies want people to believe. Cocaine works just as well for weight loss, and you don’t see people being prescribed 8-balls every month, because even though you lose weight from eating less, the long-term negative side effects far outweigh the benefits of losing weight. The exact same is true with Ozempic, which will become widely known within a few years. Mark my words.
Both Ozempic and Cocaine chronically elevate sympathetic autonomic activity, which alters hormones, slows intestinal motility, and results in people being less hungry. It also negatively affects every other aspect of neurophysiologic function. Nothing is free in biology.
100% of overweight people are already living with chronic sympathetic autonomic nervous system hyperactivity, the primary common link between almost all mental and physical disease. Elevating sympathetic tone even more is the exact opposite effect you want, if you are truly concerned about improving health. But let’s be serious here, assuming Pharma and the government care about your health is like asking Hamas to babysit your Jewish kids and assuming they will be fine when you get back. I’m not attempting humor here, I’m deadly serious.
The thing with the autonomic nervous system is, the brain and body are really good at masking negative effects until you arrive at your individual threshold for self-regulation of all neurophysiologic processes required to maintain health, or simply maintain the act of living. ATP production becomes insufficient, energy deficiency ensues, hormones become devastatingly dysregulated, neuromodulator concentrations of molecules like epinephrine, GABA, glutamate, serotonin, dopamine, etc., go haywire, and basically every other neurophysiologic pathway required to maintain health and life begin failing, at which point things go downhill, fast. All things.
This is why without testing, many people don’t notice they have cancer until stage 4, when it’s often too late for effective intervention. At which point so many things have already gone wrong and begin driving themselves to further degradation through detrimental feedback loops, recovering from all of them becomes in impossibility.
There is a zero percent chance chronically elevating an already dysfunctional and hyperactive sympathetic autonomic nervous system can result in anything except severe, widespread neurophysiologic dysfunction of every system in our brain and body. Meaning there is a 100% chance, over time, Ozempic will cause far more harm than the benefit you receive from short term weight loss.
Don’t forget, they say you should continue Ozempic for life, because why not? The US government only pays the Pharma criminals $1,500 dollars per month, per person prescribed to Ozempic. You guys ever known a 20-year cocaine addict? Did they seem healthy to you? This is not a mystery, this will happen, massive systemic failure and absolute destruction of health will occur.
Just because mainstream medicine, Pharma, and our public health system, but I repeat myself, choose to ignore this biological certainty changes nothing. That is, except for all the people who were knowingly lied to about the long-term effects, which when they become obvious to the patient, 100% of every aspect of their biologic function will be so dysregulated everything and everything bad that can happen to your health is on the table, simultaneously.
You know, come to think of it, did this not just happen with another brand new “treatment” that was forced on the American public after knowingly lying and saying it’s totally safe and effective in 2020? A treatment that caused far more harm the benefit? Sudden death syndrome, strokes, heart attacks, and blood clots? In healthy young people and pro athletes, like LeBron James’ kid? For the first time in human history?
DISCLAIMER: The content on the blog for Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions, LLC is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. The information contained in this blog should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Please consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.
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