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Below are some reviews from past students.

  • "I cannot say enough positive things about this class or about Jason. He is a wealth of knowledge and is so approachable. I love that he is so willing to share every aspect of his knowledge, expertise, and business in order to promote health and wellness to us and our patients. Through this course I have learned the skills necessary to immediately begin DN to help my patients. But I have gained even much more than that. I have a renewed excitement to explore the latest research and knowledge in epigenetics, stem cells, and nutrition. I cannot wait to take another course from Intricate Art Spine and Body Solutions. If you have the opportunity, do not hesitate! You will learn so much, and you will have fun doing it!" Kathy W., PT

  • "The lumbopelvic course was eye opening from the perspective of the treating the entire person and not just symptoms or a condition via cookbook method. The philosophy presented gave background and rationale for providing dry needling treatment to enhance the body's ability to heal itself and give patient's the best opportunity for success with a treatment program. It was presented in a manner that was easy to understand and quickly apply when you return to your clinical setting. Highly recommend this course." Scott C, MS, MPT, ATC

  • "The most entertaining and interactive course for practitioners. Can go from no experience dry needling to very confident in just this 2-day course! Highly highly recommend." Donna D. DC

  • " I’m a chiropractor in Maryland with 32 years of practice experience. I have been dry needling for the past 5 years. I have really been enjoying your posts and information. I’ve been especially excited about your work and take on Vagus nerve stimulation (as well as the parasympathetic stim of the pelvis). I’ve utilized this with a number of patients since coming across your site. A couple of instances where patients had been super sensitive to needling the cervical region following whiplash. I tried the auricular points first in subsequent visits and they tolerated the rest of their needling with much greater comfort." Ryan C. DC, CCSP

  • "I’ve had 7 or 8 patients tell me I’ve literally changed their life with dry needling. I don’t think I’ve had a single patient with headaches and migraines not improve at least 50% within 3 sessions. Just wanted to let you know the techniques you’re teaching have given me a lot of confidence in treating basically any conditions I see now. I’ve tried to send several of my colleagues to your courses because it’s a different approach from what most companies teach but it’s tough get people to see the magnitude of how much the nervous system plays into the results with needling versus just the muscular approach." Jake B. DPT, PT, MBA

  • "Jason was an amazing instructor and his knowledge is out of this world! This guy is a genius but at the same time makes everything seem very simple because that's what good teachers do. He answers any and all questions with the best possible answer. I was very nervous when I started my PT career about the thought of doing dry needling because I didn't want to hurt anyone but with Jason's guidance I have 100% confidence in dry needling anyone in any of the muscles we went over.
    I have been dry needling so many of my clients and it truly has been a game changer. So many of my clients have felt instant relief and it drastically has cut down the recovery process. We have been able to promote so much healing and this has most definitely upped my game as a clinician. If you are looking to learn Dry Needling, this is THEE course. Thank you so much again 🙏💯" Leo H. PT, DPT, CSCS, IADN Cert. Specialist

  • "The Intricate Arts Courses with Jason are hands down the best courses out there. Jason does such an amazing job at explaining the anatomy and physiology, safety, and techniques of needling in such a digestible, but thorough way. He takes his time going through every single needling location, demonstrates each one, and gives ample time for you to practice in class. He also makes sure every single person in the class understands each location before moving on. He’s happy to answer any questions during and after the course, and will also show techniques from different levels of DN if you need a refresher. Jason is super knowledgeable about so many topics and I was so thankful to learn from him in each DN course. He also makes sure to keep the classes light and fun with his wild stories and jokes.
    Thank you so much, Jason, for sharing your gift with the world. You have truly changed so many lives already (including mine) and have given so many practitioners the tools to change lives as well. Your ripple effect is unreal. Forever grateful for all of the tools I’ve learned from Jason in the IADN courses, that have allowed me to make life-changing impacts for my clients." Carly E. PT, DPT, HWC, IADN Cert. Specialist

  • "I took my third dry needling course with Intricate art after taking two courses with another company. My confidence with dry needling was very low despite taking two courses. After the first day with Intricate Art, my confidence grew exponentially. I felt as if I learned more in one day with Jason then I did with both dry needling courses combined. Jason was able to teach dry needling in a direct, and concise way in a relaxed environment. The small class size meant that Jason was able to oversee everything, and give feedback about technique and needle placement. Not only did I become a confident dry needler thanks to Jason and Intricate Art, but I also feel like I became a better overall PT as well. Intricate Art is the way to go if you want to learn dry needling in a way that will 100% transfer to the clinic." Brian S., PT, DPT

  • "My names Jessica Nodell, I am a post graduate collegiate athlete who is now an ATC. I have been playing a lot of competitive pickleball in my off time. I have never had any serious issue with my feet until I started playing pickle ball; but then I developed really bad plantar fasciitis. I would have extreme pain in the mornings when getting out of bed and just throughout the day while I was at work. I tried just about everything short of a cortisone injection, and nothing seemed to work.

    I was fortunate enough to take Jason’s dry needling course over the summer and while I was learning, I told him about my problems and let him needle my feet. I was a skeptical at first because nothing seemed to work, but after two short sessions my feet have never felt better! Dry needling saved my feet and allowed me to get back to my everyday life without pain!" Jessica N., ATC

  • "I cannot say enough good things about taking my most recent course, Cervicothoracic Manipulation with Jason at Intricate Art. (This was my second course with Jason - my first was DN 1 that was fabulous and gained tremendous confidence that I did not have after another DN course with another company prior to his).
    I have taken several manipulation courses, and this course was by far the BEST! I have never felt confident with these manipulations until now. My anxiety would limit me. Not now!!! Jason has a unique, laid back yet thorough approach. His teaching style is by far the most effective and I have been practicing for many years. We covered a lot of information, had plenty of time for practice and feedback and never felt overwhelmed.
    You leave this course empowered and ready to integrate with confidence immediately.
    I feel safe performing these manipulative techniques after this weekend. I am excited to help my patients eliminate their pain and dysfunction and reach their goals. Jason is a wealth of knowledge, inspiring, truly passionate and a true expert. He naturally engages the entire class, makes everyone feel at ease and makes it fun! I highly recommend this course to anyone post-grad or seasoned. Jason- you are brilliant!!! Thank you! Thank you!" Elena M., PT, MSPT, COMT

  • "I’m treating a teen and her mom is a friend. I placed needles in two ear points - concha and triangular fossa (skipped the tragus because it kept falling out) on the mom. I was telling her about my new techniques from your class and she wanted to try. I said - well, let’s see how you sleep tonight. She wore them home and for about 2 hours. I didn’t realize she has a watch that monitors a whole lot of things. The next morning I get a text. The top picture is her night’s sleep after the needles. The second picture is a typical night’s sleep. Wow! I’m definitely buying those sticker needles for the ear.
    Screen shots below of sleep after needles (June 17th) and typical sleep (June 14th) for my friend. such improved sleep quality and a much better rhythm to her sleep cycle. Much more ability for restorative sleep. Pretty frickin amazing!" Pam B., PT, DPT



  • "Post shingles neuropathic pain is pretty intense. 1 in 5 people will get this neuralgia post-shingles which can last from weeks to a year and even become permanent. It can be treated with medication such as gabapentin, capsaicin patches, steroids and lidocaine to name a few, but even these medications might not be effective.

    I recently had shingles along my lower rib cage and after the rash went away, I was left with significant pain in this region. It ranged from deep achy pain to burning stinging pain. I had pain with deep breathing, sensitivity to light touch and I couldn’t stand to wear a bra or have clothing touch my skin. About three weeks later I was enrolled in the DN2 class and had needles placed in my lumbar multifidus region adjacent to the area I had shingles. After the treatment my pain was GONE. It was absolutely amazing. It disappeared.

    I will definitely be promoting the use of dry needling for those with this post-shingles complication in my practice." Joan M., PT, DPT

  • "The DN 1 course was simply fantastic. Jason's approach and background
    made for a great learning environment that was laid back yet extremely
    effective for long term retention. We covered a lot of information but
    never did it feel overwhelming or that we were drudging through
    material. I left each day feeling confident and motivated for more,
    where other weekend long courses you leave feeling wiped. I feel
    confident in my abilities and I feel safe performing them. I can't
    wait to help others achieve pain free lifestyles and grow my practice!
    Highly recommend." Chrissy B., PT, DPT, PES

  • "If you consider yourself a wholistic health care provider or desire to be more wholistic in your practice - this course is for you! I am a pelvic floor physical therapist and I took the lumbopelvic dry needling course. Wow! This is an amazing course and has brought so many treatment strategies to my current patients and also future patients.

    When patients are seeing a pelvic floor therapist there can be a lot of anxiety about just their Pelvic PT appointment alone. However, dry needling offers a way to improve/increase the parasympathetic system response which can be very helpful in pelvic floor PT comfort/decreasing anxiety. I love that we not only learned extensively how to dry needle the pelvic floor in prone, supine, and sidelying but that we also learned how to dry need the multifidus from cervical to lumbar spine, the hip musculature (adductors/rotators/flexors/extensors), posterior tibialis, and suboccipital muscles, and scar tissue. The instructors also went over some great lumbo pelvic, cervical, and thoracic manipulations that I will now be also using with my patients.

    I can't recommend enough. I won't be doing any other dry needling courses through any other program but them because of the way they present and the practical application. Thank you!" Katelyn B., PT, DPT

  • "The instructor and class was so inspiring. I have never been to a course like this ever in my 15 years as a PT. I would like to take DN 2 & 3 as well as the manipulation classes. Thank you for everything it was a very memorable weekend." Kimberly, DPT, ATC

  • "Jason was awesome! He is a wealth of knowledge in all areas of PT from needling to mobilizations to other important techniques in treatment and running a business. He was professional, engaging, and creating one of the best learning environments I have been a part of. If you missed out on taking this course, I feel bad for you!" Zach, PT, DPT

  • "The DN 1 course was simply fantastic. Jason's approach and background
    made for a great learning environment that was laid back yet extremely
    effective for long term retention. We covered a lot of information but
    never did it feel overwhelming or that we were drudging through
    material. I left each day feeling confident and motivated for more,
    where other weekend long courses you leave feeling wiped. I feel
    confident in my abilities and I feel safe performing them. I can't
    wait to help others achieve pain free lifestyles and grow my practice!
    Highly recommend." Chrissy, PT, DPT, PES

  • "Had a great experience working with Jason and learning so much from him. I valued his knowledge, expertise and passion for this program. I'm looking forward to incorporating this certification and skills gained into my clinical practice. I plan on taking more courses that Jason and the Intricate Art team offer in the future!" Quincy, PT, DPT, CSCS

  • "I’ve attended lots of manipulation courses through the years but I’m sincere when I say this one is clearly the best — for several reasons. First, Jason's style is so unintimidating and he puts the student at ease to make mistakes. Second, he is not so dogmatic about his material that he isn't open to other approaches. Third, although he knows lots of techniques he is careful not to overwhelm the student with more than they can digest in a couple of days. Finally, the inclusion of Jason actually working with real patients is enormously effective." Phillip, PT, DPT

  • "This class format was the perfect introduction to dry needling I needed. The welcoming and casual environment really helped set the tone. This class made it easy to openly discuss various techniques, theories, and cases without feeling as though I was interrupting. I am really looking forward to attending more of their classes." Ciara, MS, ATC, LAT

  • "Having Jason as the instructor for Dry Needling 1 is like having Eddie Van Halen as your instructor for an Introduction to Guitar class - there is just no way to prepare for the lessons you're about to get." Scott, PT, MS

  • "Jason & Angela were "real people" that presented real clinical situations during class. This really improves learning. Since Jason played hockey in college, it was awesome to speak with him about needling for hockey-specific impairments. Jason & Angela are salt of the earth type of people and we were honored to welcome them into our facility. We know DN is going to be great for our players and is going to keep them on the ice and performing at their maximum potential. We can't wait to start implementing DN during training camp! Jason's life stories were also amazing! Sal, ATC, IADN cert., Philadelphia Flyers, NHL

  • "This class was awesome. The instructor is very knowledgeable about not only dry needling and research, but other topics as well. He made the class fun and was very engaging. He taught us safe ways to perform dry needling and made me much more comfortable implementing it in treatment for my patients." Meagan, PT, DPT

  • "I took the Dry Needling 1 course over the weekend and what a great experience it is. Jason and Angela were phenomenal teachers and practitioners. With their expertise, genuine personalities, and fun-loving demeanor; in combination with the other great students in our small group course, made for the perfect learning environment. Will be definitely recommending them to my friend practitioners who are looking to take a dry needling or manipulation course. Looking forward to the future classes I take with them." Josh, LAT, ATC, IADN cert., Miami Dolphins, NFL

  • "Jason and Angela are down to earth people that have an excellent and unique teaching style. The class is relaxing and Jason and Angela are amazing at spending time answering all questions and making sure everyone is on the same page. They also both have crazy life stories! The small class and personal experience was great. They bring incredible detail and information on how to use needling to target both the nervous systems and the musculoskeletal system. Their background in athletics was a huge help for us, as they were able to directly relate needling to treating hockey players. Their approach makes it very comfortable to begin needling because you are so knowledgeable and you feel so safe during and following the course. I would recommend this course to anyone and we are planning on taking the rest of their courses for the IAMTC." Cara, PT, DPT, IADN cert., Philadelphia Flyers, NHL

  • “Dry Needling level 3 is now completed! Intricate Art Seminars, led by Dr’s Jason & Angela Schuster brought new techniques and case management ideas to us all. Wonderful group of physical therapists to share the seminar. Thank you to wonderful hosts in Lake Charles and to Jason and Angela for a great course! These are by far the best and most complete DN classes I have taken. Last year I completed Dry Needling 1 & 2 to become a licensed needler in the state of Louisiana. This year I have taken Lumbopelvic DN and DN 3 to become an Intricate Art Dry Needling Certified Specialist. I believe it is vital to bring the highest level of learning and excellence to my practice. I look forward to serving my community with my new skills.” Scott, DC, IADN Cert. Specialist

  • "Really dynamic and fun course to attend. A ton of hands on time to get comfortable with anatomy and needle placement as well as being needled to feel the treatment. Course instructors were very understanding of people who needed a break from being needled 3 days in a row. Would recommend for anyone, especially those not super fond of needles." Nicole, PT

  • "I really enjoyed this class. After years of practice I was worried that my anatomy would be too rusty. Angela and Jason put me at ease about my palpation and clinical skills. I am eager to try this out!" Amelia, PT

  • "This dry needling class was amazing! The instructors developed a casual atmosphere while also emphasizing safety and appropriate techniques so that I feel confident using this intervention in the clinic. I at first was very apprehensive about taking the class and ended up being very excited about it and plan to use it in the clinic whenever appropriate." Grace, PT, DPT

  • "Jason did an amazing job in creating a relaxed learning environment to take the apprehension/fear out of needling and outlined the important anatomical structures in a clear and easy to remember manner, making it very easy to apply on day 1 back in the clinic. I really enjoyed learning in a smaller class environment, allowing for consistent feedback and time to ask questions during lab/practice." An-Huey, PT

  • "Just wanted to reach out and say how great the course was this weekend. I've taken a ton of courses over the past 5.5 years as a PT and this was by far one of the best courses I have taken. You guys really are awesome at what you do and it was easily the best learning environments I have been in. Thank you again and I look forward to taking some more courses with you guys! Zach, PT, DPT, CSCS, AIB-VRC

  • “Late to get on Intricate Art Facebook page, but this was an AMAZING course! Jason is such a dynamic and brilliant human. We can't wait to host him again in January for more training. If you have an interest in getting your Dry Needling Training, do it through Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions! You will not be sorry." Vickie, PT, DPT

A great story from a student:
"Dr. DeRouen is treating me for Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), a rare neurological condition causing excruciating facial pain. He used a method called Dry Needling to control the pain. After 4 sessions, almost all of the pain from TN has been eliminated. Dr. DeRouen took the time to research the use of dry needling on TN to insure his technique was the correct one. Not everyone would have taken that extra time and that speaks to his professionalism and dedication to his patients. I cannot thank him enough for his help and caring!"


  • "I am a recent new grad who just started my career in a private practice outpatient clinic. Outside of just getting my feet wet in the field by treating patients the traditional way (manual therapy and exercises), my company wanted me to get certified in dry needling as I am the only PT in the clinic. I was hesitant at first because when it comes to needles, I think of everything that can go wrong, but nonetheless, I agreed to take the Dry Needling course with Intricate Art. This may have been the single most beneficial experience of my young PT career. Jason and Angela not only explained to me the low risks associated with dry needling, but also the tremendous benefits it can have for the patients. Since taking their course a little over 7 months ago, I have needled well over 500 patients (WITH CONFIDENCE) and had excellent results. Jason and Angela were very thorough throughout the course and explained exactly how and where the needles needed to be inserted for safety and optimal benefit. I would highly recommend this course, and all courses hosted by Intricate Art as both Jason and Angela will do anything they can to help you be successful!" Chris, PT, DPT

  • "Jason and Angela are incredible teachers! Their dry needling classes are comprehensive and cover everything you need to know and more! The courses are evidence-based and they provide plenty of research! As for them, they are funny, personable and create a conducive and fun learning environment! I HIGHLY recommend their courses if you are interested in dry needling! Dave, PT, DPT

  • "I took the Intricate Art dry needling 1 course and it was such a great course. Jason and Angela are great teachers, easy to approach and always open to questions. They demonstrated every aspect before having the participants perform the technique. You can tell they know what they are talking about and have lots of experience. I chose this course compared to others I researched because it covered the entire body in the first course. I loved that most of the course was evidence based (with personal experience from the instructors thrown in of course) and the effects of the autonomic nervous system were presented and not just effects on muscles and trigger points. I’m so glad I took this dry needling course and hope to take more with them in the future! Michelina, PT, DPT

  • "I took a dry needling course with Jason and it was top notch. The course covers safety protocols, dry needling science and different treatment options. I felt very comfortable dry needling after taking this class and I would recommend this for any practitioner!" Will, DC

  • "I took the dry needling level 1 and 2 courses with Jason and Angela. They are both so knowledgeable and are phenomenal instructors! They made the course fun and it was a great learning experience!" Briana, PT, DPT, IADN cert.

  • "I recently took the dry needling 1 class with Jason and Angela. They made it really fun and were very knowledgeable about the course material. Both of them were so helpful and willing to assist you in becoming competent with dry needling. I highly recommend taking any of their courses. Jerrie, PT, DPT