Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation, & Nutrition
Dry Needling & Spinal Manipulation Teachers
We help medical professionals help their patients with Dry Needling Courses, Spinal Manipulation Courses, & Nutrition Courses
We are dedicated dry needling and spinal manipulation teachers who provide a unique experience for our students through personalized dry needling and spinal manipulation courses with small class sizes and different perspectives on all aspects of dry needling, joint manipulation, and nutrition.
We offer 4 unique certifications:
Meet the Intricate Art Team
Explore the Intricate Art Courses
Dry Needling Courses for Certification & CEUs with comprehensive in-person and online course options.
Comprehensive Spinal & Extremity Manipulation Courses for Healthcare Professionals
Comprehensive online nutrition courses on supplementation, epigenetics, and peptide therapy. This coursework is perfect for healthcare practitioners and anybody looking to improve their own health and wellbeing.
Online Dry Needling Courses and CEU coursework for healthcare professionals