Meet The Intricate Art Team

Meet The Intricate Art Team

Meet The Team

  • PT, DPT, MTC, IAMTC, IADN Cert. Specialist (Owner)

    Jason is the company’s owner and lead instructor. Throughout the week when he is not teaching, he treats patients pro bono and is an avid blog writer and researcher for the company. And fisherman…

  • PT, DPT, GCS, IAMTC, IADN Cert. Specialist, ASTYM Cert.

    Angela is one of the original co-founders of Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions. She is a dry needling instructor and co-instructor for manipulation; she also works as a traveling Physical Therapist.

  • PT, DPT, IADN Cert. Specialist

    Gabriel has collaborated with many great teachers. Some were chiropractors, certified specialists in manual therapy, hand therapy, orthopedics, sports, women’s health, and strength and conditioning, as well as medical doctors and podiatrists. After acquiring a range of hands-on healing techniques his favorites are dry needling and manipulations.

  • COO

    Ryan is the COO of Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions.