Peptide Therapy Course

  • Price: $199
  • CEU’s: 5
  • Target Audience:
    • Medical Practitioners.
    • Anyone looking to learn how to optimize your own health & wellbeing.

CEU State Board Approval

  • Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA): 5 CEU’s #79304TX
  • New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners: 5 CEU’s #2502-15
  • Board of Certification for Athletic Training (BOC): 5 CEU’s #10256


This is a course on peptide therapy to improve mental and physical wellbeing through positively affecting epigenetic expression, genetic expression, mitochondrial function, and more, utilizing the most up-to-date, peer reviewed research. Students will learn precisely why supplementing with peptides safely, dramatically, and positively affects our health and wellbeing. The most common peptide deficiencies as we age are discussed in depth, along with the safest, most effective natural peptides in use, and how to supplement with them to optimize autonomic nervous system homeostasis, healthspan, and lifespan.

This course is one of the 5 in our Intricate Art Nutrition Certification:

  1. Intro to Nutrition, Supplementation, Epigenetics, the Epigenome, & Peptide Therapy
  2. Epigenetics & the Epigenome: The Reasons Nutrition, Supplementation, & Peptide Therapy Matter
  3. Nutrition, Supplementation, & Hot to Optimally Modify Our Epigenome
  4. Vitamin Deficiencies & How to Optimally Modify our Epigenome

Student Stories & Reviews

Intricate Art Seminars provides a unique learning environment. Our laid-back, hands-on instruction will hone your skills and provide you all the tools you need to succeed in your practice. It’s no wonder our students love the experience.