Intricate Art Blog

Intricate Art Blog

Research, writing, and essays about Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation, and General Wellbeing

  • State & Board Approvals

  • How Do I Get Certified in Dry Needling?

  • The Forgotten Nine: Regulating the Autonomic Nervous System & Epigenetic Expression with Pelvic Floor Dry Needling & Pelvic Manipulation

  • Sacroiliac Joint Displacement Causes “Leg Length Discrepancy”, Upper Cervical (C0-C2) Deviation, Sympathetic Autonomic Hyperactivity, & Widespread Neurophysiologic Destruction (and why Heel Lifts Suck)

  • Everything Dry Needling!

  • Extremity & Lumbopelvic Manipulation Seminars Coming to Roswell, Georgia.

  • To Piston or Not to Piston:Should I Utilize the “Pistoning” Technique When Performing Dry Needling?

  • Dry Needling’s Awesome Regulatory Effect on Emotion via Autonomic Nervous System Homeostasis

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