Intricate Art Blog

Intricate Art Blog

Research, writing, and essays about Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation, and General Wellbeing

  • 7 Easy Tricks to Maximize the Awesome Autonomic Homeostatic & Neuroplastic Healing Effects of Dry Needling treatment

  • Dry Needling, Joint Manipulation, & The Intricate Interconnectivity of the Jaw & Pelvic Floor

  • How Does Dry Needling Work? Part 1

  • Dry Needling & Joint Manipulation to Treat & Resolve Tinnitus & Hearing Loss

  • The Mistake of Treating Mental & Physical Impairments as Separate Entities, & How to Treat Both with Dry Needling & Joint Manipulation

  • Dry Needling & Electrical Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Improve Insulin Resistance: A Wonderful, Powerful Treatment

  • Dry Needling for Erectile Dysfunction, Incontinence, Vagus Nerve Stimulation, & Men’s Pelvic Health

  • Dry Needling to Treat Peripheral Neuropathy

  • Athletic Trainers May Now Perform Dry Needling in Florida!

  • Electrical Dry Needling for Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Reduce Sympathetic Autonomic Nervous System Hyperactivity & Regulate the ANS Toward Homeostasis

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