Intricate Art Blog

Intricate Art Blog

Research, writing, and essays about Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation, and General Wellbeing

  • Articularis Genu Needling to Improve Knee Flexion, Gait Pattern & Pain: A Hidden Treasure

  • Pelvic Floor Dry Needling to Reduce Stress, Anxiety & Pain Associated with Any Impairment, Including Low Back Pain

  • Dry Needling & Manipulation to Treat & Cure Plantar Fasciitis & Foot Pain

  • Dry Needling + Post-Operative Recovery: Does it help?

  • Dry Needling + Spinal Manipulation to Reduce Post-Operative Narcotic Intake + Improve Patient Outcomes

  • Dry Needling for Dizziness: Does it Work?

  • Dry Needling to Improve Pelvic Health: Postpartum Incontinence, Urge Incontinence, and Pain

  • Intricate Art Dry Needling 1

  • Pelvic Floor Dry Needling: What is it + Who can do it?

  • Intricate Art Dry Needling 2

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