Dry Needling, Manipulation, & Nutrition: 3 Pillars of Health

Dry Needling, Manipulation, & Nutrition: 3 Pillars of Health

Dry needling, joint manipulation, and nutrition are three of the most powerful tools in medicine to naturally, safely, and effectively induce autonomic nervous system homeostasis, the key to health.

Based on our current understanding of biology, it is scientifically impossible to optimize healthspan and lifespan if you do not have optimal levels of the vitamins and nutrients your body and brain require to achieve optimal function. If you are in the 95% of the US population living with vitamin and nutrient deficiency, you have a zero percent chance of simply maintaining some form of functional health status.

As far as nutrition goes, if you want to optimize your health in today’s society, you must take it upon yourself to learn what epigenetics are and what the epigenome does in order to understand how and why thoughtful nutrition, supplementation, and peptide therapy are essential in maintaining a healthy epigenome. This includes understanding how and why a properly functioning epigenome is mandatory if you wish to maximize autonomic nervous system homeostasis.

The only problem with this? Approximately zero of this information is taught in any medical school in the country. It wasn’t taught in 1924 and it’s not taught in 2024, as if we have failed to make any medical progress over the last century. There are essentially zero full semester courses on any of this stuff in any medical program except dietician and nutrition schools. You will not learn this information in typical medical schooling for Medical Doctors, Osteopathic Physicians, Chiropractors, Doctors of Physical Therapy, Athletic Trainers, etc.

If you don’t know the information exists, you can’t possibly utilize said information to improve the health of your patients.

In today’s non-functional sick-care system, 80% of the US population is overweight, obese, or morbidly obese, 80% has at least 1 “idiopathic” or autoimmune disease, and 68% is taking at least 1 prescription medication, including children. To top it all off, the average lifespan is decreasing for the first time in a century, while our technology and medical understanding is better than ever in human history.

  • The United States has the highest GDP in the world, by far.
  • The United States population ranks last in health compared to all other “high income” countries.
  • The United States ranks 67 out of 199 countries in population health.


  • The United States accounts for about 4% of the world’s total population.
  • The United States accounts for about 60-70% of the worlds pharmaceutical sales.


  • Health care spending, both per person and as a share of GDP, continues to be far higher in the United States than in other high-income countries.
  • The United States has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality, and among the highest suicide rates.
  • The United States has the highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions and an obesity rate nearly twice the OECD average.

Source: Munira Z. Gunja, Evan D. Gumas, and Reginald D. Williams II, U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2022: Accelerating Spending, Worsening Outcomes (Commonwealth Fund, Jan. 2023). https://doi.org/10.26099/8ejy-yc74

These devastating results are secondary to past and current guidance of our “Public Health” system, which regulates medical schooling, health insurance, and mainstream medical practice, all of which are funded by pharmaceutical companies who make the drugs comprising the foundation of mainstream medical care in the United States.  Don’t worry though, the US only spent 4.8 trillion dollars on healthcare in 2023.

When a system consistently and definitively achieves the exact opposite result of their primary reason for existing, that being to improve health, something is obviously, seriously wrong.

United States Population Vitamin Deficiencies

  • 95% vitamin D deficiency.
  • 84% vitamin E deficiency.
  • 70% magnesium deficiency.
  • 70% omega-3 deficiency.
  • 46% vitamin C deficiency.
  • 45% vitamin A deficiency.


The standard “comprehensive” metabolic blood panel used in 2024, the same one used in 1960, tests for ZERO vitamins.

An example blood panel run by Function Health.

The cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal spines are all traversed by 2 long chains of nerves exiting the brain and traveling the entire length of the spine to the coccyx. The sympathetic chain sits on the anterolateral aspect of the vertebral bodies, more or less, and has about 23 ganglia. The stellate ganglion is typically considered the top of the sympathetic-dominant portion of the chain and produces sympathetic efferents to the arms, head, neck, and heart, we think. It sits just on the anterior aspect of the first costotransverse joint at C7/T1. Most anatomy and physiology books denote the sympathetic chain from the stellate ganglion to about L1/L2.

Cephalic and caudal to that are the parasympathetic-dominant sections of the chain. The parasympathetic-dominant cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X above, along with other upper cervical structures, and the sacral plexus (S2-S4) and pelvic floor below. Abnormal tension is imposed upon this chain secondary to muscular and joint pathology anywhere along its length. Any part of the brain and body may present with pathology secondary to tension anywhere along the entire chain. Headaches, anxiety, heart palpitations, dizziness, brain fog, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hiccups, incontinence, and other pathology may result.

Sympathetic autonomic hyperactivity leads to dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the gut-brain axis (enteric nervous system and brain connected primarily by the vagus nerve and sympathetic chain), and the trigeminocervical complex, all key components of the autonomic nervous system. Without homeostasis of these pathways, our hormones, immune system, neuromodulators, peptides, DNA transcription, epigenome, etc., all become dysregulated. This severely degrades health.


The fastest, easiest way to reduce tension on the sympathetic chain is to first dry needle the appropriate structures to push the autonomic nervous system into parasympathetic dominance to reduce muscle tension and spinal compression, then manipulate the spine back to neutral. With my first needles, I target the parasympathetics: auricular branch of the vagus nerve, base of the occiput, cranial suture lines, sacral plexus, pelvic floor; then I needle the multifidus, iliopsoas, latissimus, paraspinals, QL’s, and any other tight stuff I find. Then I treat all the dysfunctional joints I find.

The trick is figuring out how restore power to our internal well of autonomic nervous system energy reserves. Although the brain is only about 2% of our body weight, it uses about 20% of our body wide energy stores to function optimally. Some people use even more of their total energy to run the brain, like people with concussions, or any other form of chronic sympathetic autonomic hyperactivity, which most people are living with to some degree or other.

Therefore, one of the primary aims of treatment should be to restore as much energy availability to the brain as possible, which physical therapists can accomplish by removing as much tissue pathology from the body as possible. If you simultaneously target the parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system, we restore maximal energy to our autonomic well of healing power. The best ways we can do this are thoughtful dry needling combined with joint manipulation, along with consistent exercise, eating well, proper supplementation, and sleeping well.

Don’t accept living with “idiopathic” chronic health impairments. This is what our “public health” system desires, and unfortunately, they have succeeded.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are cheap, simple, effective solutions.

Our 5-course online Intricate Art Nutrition Certification (IANC), 2-course Intricate Art Dry Needling Certification (IADN), 4-course Intricate Art Dry Needling Certified Specialist (IADN Cert. Specialist), and 7-course Intricate Art Manual Therapy Certification (IAMTC) are all designed to equip you with the information, knowledge, understanding, and clinical skills you need to to optimize the healthspan and lifespan of your patients and to start a cash-pay practice.

Since everything is a million dollars nowadays and since it is impossible to be healthy without this information, I made the first nutrition course free.

  • 5 courses.
  • 5 CEU’s each.
  • Board of Athletic Training Certified (BOC)
  • Texas Physical Therapy Association Certified (TPTA)


Use Free Code Here: https://intricateartseminars.com/intro-to-nutrition-supplementation-epigenetics-the-epigenome-peptide-therapy/

Learn more about Dry Needling, Manipulation, and Nutrition:



Dry Needling Courses (in-person)


Manipulation Courses (in-person)


Online Dry Needling Courses


Online Nutrition Courses


DISCLAIMER: The content on the blog for Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions, LLC is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. The information contained in this blog should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Please consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.

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