Intricate Art Blog

Intricate Art Blog

Research, writing, and essays about Dry Needling, Spinal Manipulation, and General Wellbeing

  • Treating the Tensor Veli Palatini (TVP) Muscle for Tinnitus (ear ringing)

  • Get Certified in Dry Needling & Joint Manipulation: Earn Your Intricate Art Manual Therapy Certification

  • Dry Needling & Joint Manipulation for Erectile Dysfunction & Male Pelvic Health: A Quick, Cheap & Easy Fix for a Devastatingly Neglected, Widespread Problem

  • Dry Needling & Joint Manipulation for Golf & Tennis Elbow (Medial / Lateral Epicondylitis): Turn a Chronic Impairment into a Quick Fix

  • Dry Needling Subject-Specific References

  • Dry Needling & Joint Manipulation for Athletic Trainers & Their Athletes:An Absolute Necessity to Maximize Performance

  • Dry Needling & Upper Cervical Manipulation to Treat & Cure Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) & Tinnitus: How Can it Possibly Work This Well?

  • Dry Needling in New Jersey: Is it Legal for Physical Therapists & How Does it Boost Patient Population & Clinic Revenue?

  • How to Limit Initial Sympathetic Autonomic Stimulation Following Needle Placement to Avoid Vasovagal Response and Patient Discomfort During Dry Needling Treatment

  • Dry Needling Combined with Joint Manipulation to Treat & Resolve “Turf Toe:” The Fastest Path to Recovery

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